With a selection of artworks from:

Mélanie BERGER / James BROWN / Christian DOTREMONT / Hans HARTUNG / Eva HILD / Paul KLEE / François MORELLET / Elisa PONE / Gérard SCHLOSSER


« What I find beneath these clear-cut crystals and this superficial congelation is a continuity of flow comparable to no other flowing I have ever seen. It is a succession of states each one of which announces what follows and contains what precedes. Stickly speaking they do not constitute multiple states until I have already got beyond them, and turn around to observe their trail. While I was experiencing them they were so solidly organized, so profoundly animated with a common life, that I could never have said where any one of them finished or the next one began. In reality, none of them do begin or end; they dove-tail into one another. »*


The intuition would take place in mobility. In addition, how to deal with this idea of ​​changing things? The artists in this exhibition exploit the mutation of the various states of creation; the work itself mutating in an uncertain thing. Eva HILD shapes from her hands the material to create moving bodies, while Melanie BERGER uses abstract animation to tell the concept of revolution. James BROWN, in The Realm of Chaos and Light, creates a constellation of stars and waves of clouds. It reveals a cellular, organic and changing character. In the work Je suis un poisson dans l’encre, Christian DOTREMONT has caught the material nature of writing; the poem then infuses in logogram. With Paul KLEE, a combination of lines and floating spots identifies the contours of an imaginary character that seems trapped in a reticule made of points. In this exhibition, moving things can be contemplate in focus, track, spot, fireworks, sculpture and animation. The thought made ​​of abstract and random assemblages, then switches the permanence of things in a myriad of moving markers.


*Henri BERGSON, The Creative Mind: An Introduction to Metaphysics 1946, (La Pensée et le mouvant, 1934) Citadel Press, 2002.